Media and publications

Patient information brochure (Swedish)

Conference posters/presentations

Cam H, Franzon K, Abdulreda K, et al. 5PSQ-116 Medication-related follow-up of older patients after hospital discharge: a multicentre retrospective chart review. European Journal of Hospital Pharmacy 2022;29:A155-A156.

Poster presentation at European Association of Hospital Pharmacists (EAHP) Congress 2022 (Vienna).

Cam H, Gillespie U, Kälvemark Sporrong S, et al. Failure to Involve Older Hospitalised Patients in Medication Decisions - A Change of Approach is Called For. Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy. 2024;20:216-217.

Oral presentation at Nordic Social Pharmacy Conference 2023 (Tromsø).

Cam H., Wennlöf B., Gillespie U. et al. Exploring communication challenges during hospital discharge of older patients: insights from healthcare professionals' perspectives. International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy. 2024; 46: 261.

Poster presentation at European Society of Clinical Pharmacy (ESCP) Symposium 2023 (Aberdeen)

Peer-reviewed publications

Cam, H., Wennlöf, B., Gillespie, U. et al. The complexities of communication at hospital discharge of older patients: a qualitative study of healthcare professionals’ views. BMC Health Serv Res 23, 1211 (2023).

Cam H., Kempen T.G.H., Eriksson H. Abdulreda K., Franzon K, Gillespie U . et al. Assessment of requests for medication-related follow-up after hospital discharge, and the relation to unplanned hospital revisits, in older patients: a multicentre retrospective chart review. BMC Geriatr 21, 618 (2021).

Henrik Cam, Kristin Franzon, Sofia Kälvemark Sporrong, Thomas Gerardus Hendrik Kempen, Cecilia Bernsten, Elisabet I. Nielsen, Lovisa Gustavsson, Elnaz Moosavi, Stina Lindmark, Ulf Ehlin, Maria Sjölander, Karl-Johan Lindner, Ulrika Gillespie.

News articles