Proton theraphy for children from abroad
About us
Information how to refer children and teenagers (0-18) years) to the Skandion Clinic and to Uppsala University Children´s Hospital.
Pediatric Oncolgy at the Uppsala University Children´s Hospital accepts children who are treated with proton therapy at the Skandion Clinic.
We offer the necessary care in conjunction with the radiotherapy. Our department is located less than 200 meters from the Skandion Clinic.
What kind of patients can be referred?
All international patient request for Proton Therapy is to be sent directly to Uppsala Care.
Uppsala Care
What can we offer?
Patients may receive all needed care and medical treatment at Uppsala University Children´s Hospital. Preparations will be made (such as CT, fixation and mask) in Uppsala.
At the Children´s Oncology Department in Uppsala, we have a "proton-play module" where we can offer the children and their parents and siblings tranining using games and information for the radiation therapy procedure at the Skandion Clinic. In case of need for anesthesia we will arrange that. Chemotherapy can be administrated in outpatient care or as inpatient care at our ward. It is imoprtant for us to have information in advance about the desired play therapy and school for siblings if needed. In the referral we need all the information on what to include.
An assessment and monitoring during the proton therapy period is done by specialists at the pediatric oncology department, sometimes in conjunction with radiation responsible specialists at the Skandion Clinic.
For major medical issues and /or if the patient unexpectedly needs to be admitted for treatment, we vill keep contact with the referring doctor.