Occupational therapy department


At 1177.se  you can find information about diseases and examinations.  

You can also call  1177 all day and night for medical advice.  



018-611 52 84

Phone hours
monday - friday 8-9
monday - friday 13-14

Visiting us

Opening hours
monday - friday 8-16 enligt bokad tid

Entrance information

Akademiska sjukhuset, IngÄng 85, bottenvÄningen

About us

Occupational therapists meet patients at departements and receptions all over the hospital.

We use different training and treatments in our work with patients depending on their needs. 

Before your visit

  • If you can´t come to your appointment you have to inform us at least 24 hours before the appointment. There are several ways to contact us - either at 1177.se or by telephone.
  • If it´s the first time you are visiting us - you can only cancel the appointment two times. After that your remittance is sent back to your doctor.
  • You must alredy have contact with a doctor at Akademiska sjukhuset to make an appointment with us.

During your visit

  • Our reception is located by the entrances 78/79
  • Report your visit at the arrival computer. Don´t forget your ID
  • After that you take left and move towards the sign which says "trappa 79 hiss" (past the cafeteria) and take the stairs or the elevator to level 4.
  • Now you have arrived at the Occupational Theraphists Reception. Please sit down in the waiting area and we will come and pick you up.