Acute and Specialized pediatrics 95 E care unit
At you can find information about diseases and examinations.
You can also call 1177 all day and night for medical advice.
018-611 58 20
Visit us
Entrance information
Akademiska sjukhuset, IngÄng 95/96
The department is placed close to the Emergency department for Children and Adolescents and treats those who have acute diseases and need hospital care.
We take care of children and adolescents with infection diseases, metabolic diseases, heart diseases, kidney diseases, rheumatic diseases, gastrointestinal diseases and problems with allergy and bronchus.
Hospital care with us
When your are staying with us you have a childrens playground and a small library. Close to the department is also the Hospital School and the Play Therapy where you can play, watch a movie, use the computers or use the room for the Adolescents.
Parents and relatives are central in the care of our patients and our staff is doing all they can to keep you informed and safe on our department.